试验研究 2023年 第52卷 第22期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2023220001


杨馨钰,苏有文,刘术梅,唐 琪,高梦秋


杨馨钰,本科在读,E-mail:823985310@ qq.com


(西南科技大学土木工程与建筑学院,四川 绵阳 621010)




橡胶颗粒取代部分细骨料,可改善混凝土的抗冻性能。 试验采用橡胶颗粒等体积取代普通混凝土中的天然砂,基于力学性能对比分析不同冻融阶段质量损失率、相对动弹性模量随取代率的变化曲线,以确定抗冻性能最佳取代范围。 结果表明:随着橡胶取代率的增加,质量损失率先减后增,而相对动弹性模量先增后减,抗冻性能均经历先增长后下降的变化过程,即各自存在抗冻性能相对最优的取代区间,求交集可得橡胶混凝土抗冻性能最佳的取代范围。


Replacing part of fine aggregate with rubber particles can improve the frost resistance ofconcrete. In the test, rubber particles were used to replace the natural sand in ordinary concrete in equalvolume. Based on the mechanical properties, the mass loss rate and relative dynamic elastic modulus ofdifferent freeze-thaw stages were compared and analyzed with the replacement rate to determine the bestreplacement range of frost resistance. The results show that with the increase of rubber replacement rate,the mass loss first decreases and then increases, while the relative dynamic elastic modulus first increasesand then decreases, and the frost resistance first increases and then decreases, that is, there is arelatively optimal replacement interval for frost resistance, and the best replacement range for frostresistance of rubber concrete can be obtained by intersection.