应用研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210006




张慧乐,高级工程师,E⁃mail:zhanghuile@ cribc. com


1.中国京冶工程技术有限公司,北京 100088; 2.北京交通大学,北京 100089




混凝土表面裂缝检测是混凝土建筑安全评估和风险预警的重要手段。传统人工检测方法工作量大,且需考虑复杂环境下影响人身安全等因素。基于无人机的裂缝检测方法得到了应用,但当受不确定因素影响时,无人机无法采集足够的训练样本,限制了其检测性能。为此,基于无人机与深度学习,提出少样本条件下混凝土表面裂缝检测方法,采用主流深度学习网络 Faster⁃RCNN 和 YOLOX,利用 WBF 算法将检测结果进行融合,有效弥补了像素级标签信息较少导致的检测性能下降。在少样本裂缝图像库及户外场地进行了试验测试,试验结果表明,在少样本条件下基于无人机与深度学习的裂缝检测方法性能得到有效提升,对裂缝检测的准确率达到 58. 67%.


Concrete surface crack detection is an important means of concrete building safety assessmentand risk earlywarning. The traditional manual detection method has a large workload, and it is necessaryto consider factors such as personal safety in complex environments. The crack detection method based onUAV has been applied, but when affected by uncertain factors, UAV cannot collect enough trainingsamples,which limits their detection performance. Therefore, based on UAV and deep learning, a crackdetection method for concrete surface under the condition of few samples is proposed. The mainstreamdeep networks Faster⁃RCNN and YOLOX are used, and the detection results are fused by WBFalgorithm,which effectively alleviates the detection performance degradation caused by less pixel⁃levellabel information. Experimental tests were carried out in a few sample crack image library and outdoorsites. The test results show that the performance of the crack detection method based on UAV and deeplearning is effectively improved under the condition of few samples, and the accuracy of crack detection is58. 67%.