黄亚男,博士,E⁃mail:yananhuang@ 163. com
上海同磊土木工程技术有限公司,上海 200433
∗上海市科委 2022 年度“科技创新行动计划”社会发展科技攻关项目(22dz1201600)

The construction of large⁃span spatial steel structures usually experiences multiple load transferpaths. The increase of span magnifies the influence of load transfer path change, installation error andother factors on structural internal force and deformation. The influence of construction process onstructural performance cannot be ignored. Based on the football field of Kunshan Olympic Sports Center,the structural health monitoring of large⁃span steel roof during construction was carried out to reflect thereal stress of the structure under different working conditions in real time, and the finite elementsimulation analysis was carried out to study the influence of construction process on the internal forcedistribution of space structure. By comparing the actual monitoring data with the finite element analysisresults, the difference of construction stress distribution of large⁃span space steel structures is obtained,which can verify the importance of structural health monitoring.