应用研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210033

BIM+GIS 技术在高速公路市政化改造中的应用



江佳鑫,工程师,E⁃mail:664640472@ qq. com


1.中国建筑第八工程局有限公司,上海 200122; 2.中建八局华南建设有限公司,广东广州 510663




对 BIM+GIS 技术在高速公路市政化改造中的应用进行研究,对 BIM 模型建立、无人机倾斜摄影、BIM+GIS模型融合进行叙述,并对 BIM+GIS 技术应用效果进行分析。 BIM 技术可实现协同设计、精细化建模和全过程管理,GIS 技术提供了地理数据分析、精准定位和信息共享等功能,二者融合应用降低窝工风险,提高施工管理水平与资产管理效率,增强施工安全性,减小对环境的影响。


The application of BIM+GIS technology in highway municipal transformation is studied, BIMmodel establishment, UAV oblique photography, BIM +GIS model integration are described, and theapplication effect of BIM+GIS technology is analyzed. BIM technology can achieve collaborative design,granular modeling and whole⁃process management, and GIS technology provides geographical dataanalysis, accurate positioning and information sharing, and the integration of the two technologies canreduce the risk for enforced idleness due to poor organization of work, improve the level of constructionmanagement and asset management efficiency, enhance construction safety and reduce the impact on theenvironment.