赵来柱,工程师,E⁃mail:1341297153@ qq. com
北京建工四建工程建设有限公司,北京 100024

The reinforcement and reconstruction technology of the high⁃rise frame structure of the existingindustrial plant fired kiln tail has been studied, including foundation earthwork excavation, foundationreinforcement, new floors and short⁃limb shear walls of the superstructure,while retaining the originalbuilding equipment and industrial features and meeting the safety and use function requirements. Duringthe foundation reinforcement and reconstruction, the partition grid excavation technology is adopted, andthe raft is added inside and outside the original independent foundation to form an integral raftfoundation,which can enhance the stability of the overall structure. When the upper structure isreinforced, the original brick⁃concrete structure is first removed to reduce the weight of the building andreduce the requirements for the foundation bearing capacity, and then the beams and columns areexpanded and the steel sheet is fastened. In the process of reinforcement construction, in order to ensurethe safety and stability of the structure, infrared monitoring equipment is used to monitor the structuraldisplacement.