应用研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210046




闫亚杰,博士,副教授,E⁃mail:tylaoxi@ 163. com


1.山西电子科技学院,山西临汾 041000; 2.太原理工大学,山西太原 030024;3.山西五建集团有限公司,山西太原 030013


∗国家自然科学基金( 51208332 );山西省基础研究计划(2022030212111761)


针对铝合金结构不适宜采用焊接、现有紧固件抗剪连接下节点易发生错动的问题,设计抗剪连接用装配式铆钉,给出装配式铆钉构造、工作原理及预紧力测定方法。通过开展抗剪试件试验研究和有限元分析,得到装配式铆钉抗剪连接荷载⁃位移曲线、传力方式、破坏机理及形态,确定装配式铆钉合理铆固顺序,并验证有限元模型及分析结果的有效性。根据研究结果,实际应用时推荐抗剪连接同一受力方向板厚之和与装配式铆钉直径的比值为1. 00—— 1. 25.开展装配式铆钉抗剪性能影响因素分析,通过数值拟合得到装配式铆钉承载力计算公式,给出装配式铆钉抗剪连接选用规格。


Aiming at the problems that welding is not suitable for aluminum alloy structure and the nodesare prone to misalignment under shear connection of existing fasteners, the assembled rivets for shearconnection are designed, and the structure,working principle and preload determination method ofassembled rivets are given. By carrying out shear specimen test research and finite element analysis, theassembled rivets shear connection load and displacement curves, force transfer mode, damage mechanismand morphology, to determine the reasonable riveting order of the assembled rivets, and to verify thevalidity of the finite element model and analysis results. According to the research results, in practicalapplication, it is recommended that the ratio of the sum of the plate thickness of the shear connection inthe same force direction to the diameter of the assembled rivets is 1. 00——1. 25. The influencing factors ofassembled rivets shear performance were analyzed, through numerical fitting to get the assembled rivetsbearing capacity calculation formula. The selection specifications of shear connection of assembled rivetsare given.