理论研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210084




杨兴宝,高级工程师,项目经理,E⁃mail:2295004199@qq. com


中交路桥华北工程有限公司,北京 101102


以新建首环高速公路承平段 TJ2 标大鹿圈 1 号隧道为例,研究新建公路隧道近距离上跨既有高速铁路隧道爆破施工影响,并介绍新建隧道拱部光面爆破、墙部预裂爆破的微振综合控制爆破技术及爆破振动控制措施。研究结果表明,大鹿圈 1 号隧道施工引起的既有平安堡隧道主体结构与轨道结构位移和应力变化主要发生在两隧道交叉段正上方附近施工期,且平安堡隧道主体结构和轨道结构变形与受力均处于安全范围内。


Taking the Daluquan No. 1 Tunnel of TJ2 section in the Chengde to Pinggu District, Beijingsection of the Capital Ring Expressway as an example, the influence of blasting construction of the newhighway tunnel on the existing high⁃speed railway tunnel is studied, and the micro⁃vibrationcomprehensive control blasting technology of the new tunnel arch smooth blasting and wall pre⁃splittingblasting, and blasting vibration control measures are introduced. The research results show that thedisplacement and stress changes of the main structure and track structure of the existing Ping’ anpuTunnel caused by the construction of Daluquan No. 1 Tunnel mainly occur in the construction period nearthe intersection of the two tunnels, and the deformation and stress of the main structure and trackstructure of the Ping’ anpu Tunnel are within the safe range.