理论研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210096




周平,高级工程师,E⁃mail:18028562070@ 189. cn


厦深铁路广东有限公司,广东深圳 518000






Inserted⁃tooth roller cutter is widely used as a rock breaking drilling tool in vertical shaftexcavation equipment, the rock breaking method and efficiency of the inserted⁃tooth roller cutter affectthe performance of the vertical shaft excavation equipment, and the spherical teeth rock breakingmechanism needs to be studied. A two⁃dimensional discrete element program is used to establish a rockdiscrete element model that is as close as possible to the real physical and mechanical properties. Afterreasonably simplifying the cutting tool rock breaking motion form, the rock breaking process of multiplespherical teeth of the inserted⁃tooth roller cutter is simulated. The initiation, propagation and crushingprocess of rock microcracks during spherical teeth rock breaking are analyzed from a microscopic point ofview, and explore the mechanism of spherical teeth rock breaking. By setting up multiple simulationexperiments with different tooth spacing and penetration, the variation law of rock breaking load requiredfor cutting tools is studied. The ability to generate microcracks through parallel bonding failure is used toevaluate the specific energy consumption of spherical teeth rock breaking. The influence of tooth spacingand penetration on the specific energy consumption of spherical teeth rock breaking is studied, andreasonable parameter values are obtained for lower specific energy consumption of spherical teeth rockbreaking.