理论研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210103




刘帅,工程师,E⁃mail:411187657@ qq. com


中铁十八局集团市政工程有限公司,天津 300350




Based on the excavation project of a subway station foundation excavation numerical simulationmethods were used to study the deformation and influencing factors of dewatering excavation of a subwaystation foundation excavation in water⁃rich stratum. The vertical displacement changes of the foundationexcavation, the permeability coefficients, and the thickness of enclosure structures were analyzed, andcontrol measures for foundation excavation deformation were proposed. The research results show that thevertical and horizontal displacement of the ground surface and the horizontal displacement of the enclosurestructure both increase with the increase of the permeability coefficient of the sand and gravel soil layer,while the uplift at the bottom of the foundation excavation gradually decreases. The vertical and horizontaldisplacement of the ground surface, the horizontal displacement of the enclosure structure, and the upliftat the bottom of the foundation excavation all decrease with the increase of the thickness of enclosurestructures. For strata with high permeability coefficient, measures should be taken to reduce thedeformation of the foundation excavation, and the thickness of the enclosure structure can beappropriately increased to control the uplift at the bottom of the foundation excavation.