朱建明,高级工程师,E⁃mail:jihsdjshdjosd@ yeah. net
中铁十一局集团第二工程有限公司,湖北十堰 442000

In order to study the stress characteristics of high fill highway arch culverts under different soilparameter conditions, based on the Pinglian Expressway project, numerical simulation calculations werecarried out to analyze the influence of different foundation soil and filling soil modulus on the distributionof soil pressure around the arch culvert and the distribution law of circumferential stress of the archculvert. The research results show that as the modulus of the foundation soil increases, the soil pressureon the top and sides of the arch culvert gradually decreases, and the reaction force on the arch culvertbase gradually increases. The increase in the modulus of the foundation soil is beneficial for the stabilityof the arch culvert structure. As the modulus of the filling soil increases, the soil pressure on the top andsides of the arch culvert, the reaction force on the arch culvert, and the soil pressure on the sides of thearch culvert gradually decrease. The increase in the modulus of the filling soil can reduce the stress onthe arch culvert structure. The modulus of the filling soil has no significant effect on the stress of the archring. During the construction of arch culverts, it is recommended to use rock and soil with high modulusfor the foundation soil and filling soil.