蒋家园,工程师,E⁃mail: 304411529@ qq. com
中铁十八局集团有限公司,天津 300222

Taking the Ciel Tower in Dubai project as the background,wind tunnel tests are used toanalyze the extreme wind pressure on the exterior surfaces of a hyperbolic super tall building. Thereduction coefficient for the supporting area of the building’s facade is obtained based on the supportingarea. Combination coefficients of wind load at corners are given based different load combinations, andthe corresponding wind loads can be determined by superimposing wind pressure blocks on the exteriorsurfaces. The research results show that the extreme wind pressures are large in the areas with complexshapes and the intersections of facades at corners of super tall buildings,which is caused by the abruptchanges of the building shape and the flow effect of the incoming wind. In the design process, attentionshould be paid to the surface wind resistance performance of the corresponding area.