基于 SEM 与云模型的公共建筑施工安全风险评估
张东辉,高级工程师, E⁃mail: Zhangdonghui _ 12th @163. com
1.中铁十二局集团华南工程有限公司,广东中山 528400;2.西安理工大学土木建筑工程学院,陕西西安 710048
为精准评估大型公共建筑施工过程中的安全风险等级,提出基于结构方程模型( SEM)与云模型的施工安全风险评估方法。通过文献研究法检索以公共建筑、安全风险、风险评估等为关键词的相关文献,按人员、机械、材料、管理、环境要素对安全风险指标进行初步筛选,通过灰色关联度分析建立指标体系。综合分析各指标之间的关系,确定各指标权重。计算施工安全风险评估云与综合云,通过计算云相似度确定施工安全风险等级。研究结果表明,机械设备合规性、定期维修保养及材料质量对公共建筑施工安全风险的影响较大。基于 SEM 与云模型的评估结果与实际情况相符,证明了评估方法的实用性与准确性。

In order to accurately assess the risk level during the construction process of large publicbuildings, a construction risk assessment method based on structural equation model ( SEM) and cloudmodels is proposed. Through literature research, relevant literatures with keywords such as publicbuildings, safety risks and risk assessments are collected and retrieved. The safety risk indicators areinitially screened based on personnel, machinery, materials, management and environmental factors, andan indicator system is established through grey relational degree analysis. The weight of each index isdetermined by analyzing the relationship between the indexes. The construction safety risk assessmentcloud and the comprehensive cloud are calculated, and the construction safety risk level is determined bycalculating the cloud similarity. The research results show that the compliance of mechanical equipment,regular maintenance and material quality have a significant impact on the safety risks of public buildingconstruction. The evaluation results based on SEM and cloud model are consistent with the actualsituation, proving the practicality and accuracy of the evaluation method.