理论研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210134




苏倚晴,助理工程师,E⁃mail:suyiqing123456@ yeah. net


中铁十八局集团北京工程有限公司,北京 100162






To study the cost control methods of old residential district reconstruction, a cost controlstrategy based on particle swarm algorithm is proposed. A mathematical model for construction costcontrol is established, and the particle swarm algorithm is applied to the model. By simulating theparticle swarm motion process, the optimal solution for construction cost control is found, and thefeasibility and effectiveness of the method are verified through case analysis. The research results showthat particle swarm algorithm can effectively evaluate the construction cost control strategy of oldresidential districts. In the construction cost control objectives of a certain old residential district project,the key and difficult processes of the project have a significant priority,which has a significant impact onthe construction cost. Quality and safety objectives are key issues in key engineering processes, andquality and safety control should be strengthened. During the construction process of old residentialdistrict reconstruction, strict construction plans and standards should be formulated based on the use ofmaterials and construction equipment, and material procurement and construction quality control shouldbe strengthened to achieve a reduction in overall construction costs.