应用研究 2024年 第53卷 第21期

DOI: 10. 7672 / sgjs2024210058




陈立斌,高级工程师,E⁃mail:826218393@ qq. com


中铁十五局集团第二工程有限公司,上海 201714






The north side of the Jinhuigang Bridge is adjacent to the existing operating railway line, andthe south side is buried with natural gas pipelines, and it crosses the navigable Jinhuigang Channel, theconstruction environment is complex and the construction risk control is difficult. Combined with theconstruction environment and the characteristics of the bridge structure, the traditional constructionprocess of the whole beam first and arch later is optimized into separated beam first and arch later. Byreasonably arranging the underwater support piers and the arch supports, introducing the virtual assemblytechnology of steel members, optimizing the lifting point based on the calculation of the center of gravity,and adopting the rapid assembly technology of prefabricated components, the rapid installation andconstruction of the steel structure and concrete bridge deck of the main bridge of Jinhuigang Bridge isrealized, and the assembly efficiency and construction quality of the bridge are improved. Theengineering practice shows that the prefabricated and assembled components of Jinhuigang Bridge canmeet the requirements of bridge structure design, and the safety of adjacent operating railway line can beguaranteed during construction.