陈晓旭,硕士,讲师,E⁃mail:719879187@ qq. com
1.广东白云学院,广东广州 510450; 2.中信环境技术(广州)有限公司,广东广州 510000;3.中建五局第三建设有限公司,湖南长沙 410004; 4.广州大学,广东广州 510006;5.深圳市联博建筑工程技术有限公司,广东深圳 518000
∗国家自然科学基金( 51925802, 52378497 );中建集团课题(CSCEC5B⁃2021⁃20)

Based on the structural groups division layers, downtime and whether the effects of concreteshrinkage and creep are considered, different construction models are established. The verticaldeformation law of tall buildings with suspended and continued construction is compared and analyzed,and the influencing factors of vertical deformation are analyzed. The research results show that the verticaldeformation curves of buildings under suspended and continued construction as the number of layersincreases differs from that of non⁃suspended buildings. The maximum deformation occurs at the highestpoint of the existing structure of the suspended and continued construction buildings,while thedeformation of the continued structure shows a distribution pattern of smaller at both ends and larger inthe middle. Under the condition of different structural groups composed of various numbers of layers, asthe number of structural groups division layers increases, the error in the theoretical calculation results ofvertical deformation becomes larger, and the error is related to the position within the structural groups.The lower the position within the structural groups, the closer the theoretical calculation result of verticaldeformation is to the reference value.